Why is it Important to have a Regular Eye Examination?
Regular eye examinations should be part of your general health care program.
Regular ongoing eye examinations can reveal the presence of conditions such as diabetes and high blood pressure as well as diseases of the eye like cataract and glaucoma. Where appropriate, glasses and/or contact lenses can be prescribed.
We provide a comprehensive ocular examination, using state-of-the-art equipment to assist us in the assessment of your vision and ocular health.
This examination includes:
- Thorough examination inside the eye.
- Microscope examination of eye.
- Computerized assessment of eye’s topography
- Retinal imaging
- Measurement of intraocular pressure to screen for glaucoma
- Examination to determine if there is an optical error
- Assessment of eye co-ordination and binocular vision
- Assessment of suitability for contact lens wear
- Colour vision assessment
- Computerized peripheral visual fields assessment
- Dispensing of all lenses and contact lenses
Bulkbilled on Medicare.
You don’t need a referral to see us, at Anthony Smith Optometrists we bulk bill all consultations, with the exception of contact lens consultations. So simply bring in your medicare card, and there will be no charge for the consultation. People have asked if there is an additional fee if a recent visit was performed at another optometrist. We don’t charge any extra, it’s all covered by your medicare card.
When and How Often should my eyes be examined?
- If there is no conspicuous problem, like a turned eye, children should be seen at about age 4-5
- If no conspicuous problem the next visit should be about age 10-12
- If no conspicuous problem, next visit about Year 11-12
Most children who require glasses are shortsighted, (myopia). Normally the degree of myopia increases with age until the early thirties, when it stabilises, before changing again in the forties. This sometimes leads people to believe that it is the glasses that is making the eyes get worse, but it is the changing shape of the eyeball that is really driving this change. The eyes don’t stop growing until you’re about 32 years old.. Wearing glasses doesn’t change the eyeball shape.
- If there is no conspicuous problem young adults should be seen about age 18-22. When level of close work is high.
- If no conspicuous problem, the next visit should be about age 28-32 when eye’s shape is finally stable.
Typical ages when Myopia starts:
- Infancy
- About age 3-5 (Start Primary School)
- About age 11-15 (Puberty- Growth Spurt)
- About age 17-20 (Lots of close eye work)
- About age 28-32 (eyeball shape stabilizing)
Middle Age:
Many people notice eye problems for the first time in their early forties, this is normal (Presbyopia) and is due to the lens becoming more difficult to adjust through focusing, and the eye muscles themselves getting weaker. Reading glasses are normally required in your forties, and often your first multi-focal is prescribed at this time. Lenses typically require changes in power every 2 years.
Older Age
Beyond the age of 50 eyes should be examined every 18 months or so. This allows us to observe and often digitally record the inevitable changes that take place before any problems arise.